I know this is becoming a recurring theme round here, but it has been for ever?!!
Some how toppled upon this in my web research....
It's sooooo sweeeeet...
Oh and the picture I googled for, because I couldn't find any real soul mates to photograph readily on hand...
On the other hand, it would of been easy to paste a tonn of shots of infatuated, lust struck horn bags... heehee...
Still looking...
Religiously divine init?
I was wondering if you thought the wings clashed with the skin tone at all?
SOUL MATEA soulmate is a mate of the soul - a partner, if you may. A spiritual love, a love undaunted by the properties bound by this world. A soulmate evolves as the soul does, of its own volition, in concert with the growth of the relationship. When you have a relationship with an actual soulmate (many, after the long absence of a mate, confuse the definition of soulmate), there are no domineering factors, for domination rules, whereas love shares. So, there is no ruling partner in the relationship; there is no need for one. Each partner has their strengths and weaknesses, so one mate compliments another.